Knowledge Translation Journal Digests:  For year 2 & 3 trainees, this knowledge translation activity has trainees summarizing the main research findings of 2-3 recent articles per year, selected by themselves and their mentors. This compilation of plain language summaries will be posted on the ART website and disseminated to a broader audience, through mechanisms such as CAIRN and existing provincial and national newsletters.

Knowledge Base

Knowledge Dissemination Activities: As part of the successful completion of the training, year 2 & 3 trainees participate in at least one presentation of autism research evidence to a lay audience (e.g., teacher association). This is not confined to the trainees’ own research results but rather represents their broader knowledge base.  This is facilitated by a bank of teaching materials, developed by the trainees with support from their mentors, and available for all ART trainees to adapt and use during presentations.  This activity is supervised by the trainees’ mentors.

Common Slides Project

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