Charlotte Rimmer

Name: Charlotte Rimmer

University: McGill University

Discipline: : School and Applied Child Psychology

Discipline: School and Applied Child Psychology

ART Track: 1st year

Program Supervisor (s): Eve-Marie Quintin, Ph.D.

ART Program Mentor (s): Jacob Burack, Pat Mirenda, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum

Title of research project: The impact of musical training interventions on restrictive, repetitive behaviours in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.

Nichole Scheerer

Name: Nichole Scheerer

University: Simon Fraser University

Discipline: Psychology

Discipline: Psychology

ART Track: 1st Year

Program Supervisor (s): Dr. Grace Iarocci

ART Program Mentor (s): Dr. Aparna Nadig, Dr. Krista Hyde, and Dr. Ryan Stevenson

Title of research project: The Impact of Sensory-Motor Control of Prosody on Social Communication and Development across the Lifespan

Tamara Sorenson Duncan

Name: Tamara Sorenson Duncan

University: Dalhousie University

Discipline: Psychology

ART Track: 1st Year

Program Supervisor: Isabel Smith

Art Program Mentors: Elizabeth Kelly; David Nicholas; Jonathon Weiss

Title of Research Project: Social Media as a Social Tool for Autistic Adults

Carina Freitas

Name: Carina Freitas

University: University of Toronto

Discipline: Ph.D. Candidate, Neuroscience

ART Track: 2nd Year

Program Supervisor (s): Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou

ART Program Mentor (s): Drs. Hyde, Stevenson, and Couture

Title of research project: Neuroimaging studies on familiarity and likeability of music in children with autism spectrum disorder

Kirsty Ainsworth

Name: Kirsty Ainsworth

University: McGill University

Discipline: Postdoctoral Fellow, Education and Counselling Psychology

ART Track: 1st Year

Program Supervisor (s): Dr. Armando Bertone

ART Program Mentor (s): Title of research project: Multi-sensory integration across development in autism

Samantha Schulz

Name: Samantha Schulz

University: University of Western Ontario

Discipline: Developmental Psychology

ART Track: 1st Year

Program Supervisor (s): Dr. Ryan Stevenson

ART Program Mentor (s): Dr. Grace Iarocci, Dr. Jonathan Weiss, Dr. Armanda Bertone

Title of research project: Hypersensitivity in Relation to Autism Symptoms

Dr. Vivian Lee

Name: Dr. Vivian Lee

University: McMaster University

Discipline: Developmental Psychology

ART Track: 1st Year

Program Supervisor (s): Dr. Teresa Bennett

ART Program Mentor (s): Drs. Lonnie Zwaigenabaum, Isabel Smith, and Pat Mirenda

Title of research project: An Evaluation of the Acceptability of the Family Check-Up Intervention for Caregivers of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Hadas Dahary

Name: Hadas Dahary

University: McGill University

Discipline: PhD, School & Applied Child Psychology

Program Supervisor (s): Eve-Marie Quintin

ART Program Mentor (s): Drs. Burack, Hyde, and Weiss

Title of research project: Can music education enhance social and emotion recognition skills of children with autism spectrum disorder?

Carly Albaum

Name: Carly Albaum

University: York University, Toronto, ON

Discipline: Clinical-Developmental Psychology

ART Track: 1st Year

Program Supervisor (s): Dr. Jonathan Weiss

ART Program Mentor (s): Drs. Wendy Roberts, Tracy Vaillancourt, & Lonnie Zwaigenbaum

Title of research project: Predictors of treatment success in cognitive behaviour therapy for children with autism: The role of the therapeutic alliance

Ayesha Siddiqua

Name: Ayesha Siddiqua

University: McMaster University

Discipline: PhD Candidate, Health Research Methodology

ART Track: 1st Year

Program Supervisor(s): Dr. Magdalena Janus

Title of research project: Social determinants of prevalence, health service use, and developmental outcomes of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A population-level study

Zsuzsa Lindenmaier

Name: Zsuzsa Lindenmaier

University: University of Toronto

Discipline: PhD Candidate, Departments of Medical Biophysics and Neuroscience

ART Track: 1st Year

Program Supervisor (s): Jason Lerch

Title of research project: Co-clinical trials of mice and humans of autism

Dr. Angie Ip

Name: Dr. Angie Ip

University: University of British Columbia

Discipline: PhD, Population and Public Health

ART Track: 1st Year

ART Program Mentor(s): Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou, Dr. Pat Mirenda and Dr. Lonnie Zwaigenbaum

Title of research project: Modeling developmental trajectories of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder using population level linked health data

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