Nancy Garon

Name: Nancy Garon (Graduated)

University: Dalhousie

Discipline: Post-Doc, Psychology

ART Track: 3 year program

Program Supervisor (s): Dr. I. Smith & Dr. S. Bryson

ART Program Mentor (s): Dr. L. Mottron, Dr. J. Volden, Dr. W. Roberts

Title of research project: Executive functioning in very young children with autism.

Nathalie Girard

Name: Nathalie Girard (Withdrew May 2006)

University: McGill

Discipline: Post-Doc, Genetics

ART Track: 3 year program

Program Supervisor(s): Dr. G. Rouleau

ART Program Mentor(s): Dr. E. Fombonne , Dr. S. Scherer

Title of research project: Identification of genetic factors predisposing to autism
Catherine Hambly

Name: Catherine Hambly (Graduated)

University: McGill

Discipline: PhD, Communication Sciences

ART Track: 3 year program

Program Supervisor: Dr. M. Crago

ART Program Mentors: Dr. E. Fombonne, Dr. J. Volden, Dr. L. Tidmarsh

Title of research project: A study of the clinical markers of language impairment in French monolingual and French-English bilingual children with autism
Michelle Liu

Name: Michelle Liu (Graduated)

University: Sick Kids Hospital

Discipline: Post-Doc, Genetics

ART Track: 3 year program

Program Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Paterson

ART Program Mentors: Dr. S. Scherer, Dr. P. Szatmari

Title of research project: A genome scan for parent of origin linkage effects in autism
Tracey McMullen

Name: Tracey McMullen (Graduated)

University: York

Discipline: PhD, Developmental Psychology

ART Track: 3 year program

Program Supervisor: Dr. W. Roberts

ART Program Mentors: Dr. P. Szatmari & Dr. S. Bryson

Title of research project: Characteristics of girls with Autism Spectrum Disorders?

Adrienne Rombough

Name: Adrienne Rombough (Graduated)

University: Simon Fraser

Discipline: MA, Clinical Psychology

ART Track: 3 year program

Program Supervisor: Dr. G. Iarocci

ART Program Mentors: Dr. J. Burack, Dr. I. Smith, Dr. L. Zwaigenbaum

Title of research project: Orienting responses to pointing cues in children with autism.

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