Name: Melanie Couture (Graduated)
University: McGill
Discipline: Post-Doc, OT
ART Track: 3 year program
Program Supervisor (s): Dr. E. Fombonne
ART Program Mentor (s): Dr. L. Mottron,
Dr. I. Smith,
Dr. L. Zwaigenbaum
Title of research project: Impact of sensory processing and motor skills on
activities of daily living in children with autism spectrum disorders.
Name: Samantha Goldwater-Adler (Withdrew July 2006)
University: Dalhousie
Discipline: PhD., Clinical Psychology
ART Track: 3 year program
Program Supervisor(s): Dr. S. Bryson
ART Program Mentor(s): Dr. P. Szatmari,
Dr. J. Volden
Title of research project: Bullying of Children with Autistic
Spectrum Disorders: A review of the literature & development
of an intervention study
Name: Paula Hutchinson (Graduated)
University: Dalhousie
Discipline: PhD., Interdisciplinary Program
ART Track: 3 year program
Program Supervisor: Dr. S. Bryson
ART Program Mentors: Dr. W. Roberts,
Dr. L. Tidmarsh
Title of research project: Needs of families waiting for a
diagnostic assessment of autism/ASD: Professionals' and parents'
Name: Cynthia Koning (Graduated)
University: Alberta
Discipline: PhD., OT
ART Track: 3 year program
Program Supervisor: Dr. J. Volden & Dr. Evans
ART Program Mentors: Dr. S. Bryson,
Dr. P. Szatmari,
Dr. W. Roberts
Title of research project: Social skills intervention for children and adolescents
with Asperger's syndrome
Name: Anna Matejka-Grivas (Graduated)
University: McGill
Discipline: Ph.D., Applied Child Psychology
ART Track: 3 year program
Program Supervisor: Dr. J. Burack
ART Program Mentors: Dr. J. Volden,
Dr. L. Zwaigenbaum,
Dr. L. Tidmarsh
Title of research project: Are Pictures worth a thousand words? Testing the validity &reliability
of two versions of the Pictorial Infant Communication scales (PICS)
Name: Danielle Ostfield (Graduated)
University: McGill
Discipline: MA/PhD, Educational Psychology
ART Track: 3 year program
Program Supervisor: Dr. K. Cornish
ART Program Mentors: Dr. L. Tidmarsh,
Dr. W. Roberts,
Dr. A. Kingstone
Title of research project: Are increases in joint attention behaviours related
to changes in face processing tendencies among children with autism? |
Name: Fabienne Samson (Graduated)
University: University of Montreal
Discipline: MSc. Psychiatry
ART Track: 3 year program
Program Supervisor: Dr. L. Mottron
ART Program Mentors: Dr. E. Fombonne,
Dr. W. Roberts,
Dr. A. Evans
Title of research project: Behavioral and fMRI investigation of complex sounds
processing in high functioning autism
Name: Kerri Staples (Graduated)
University: McGill
Discipline: PhD., Kinesiology
ART Track: 3 year program
Program Supervisor: Dr. G. Reid
ART Program Mentors: Dr. J. Burack,
Dr. I. Smith,
Dr. S. Bryson
Title of research project: Motor behaviour of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders |
Name: Lixin Wang (Withdrew July 2006)
University: Univeristy of Montreal
Discipline: PhD., Psychology
ART Track: 3 year program
Program Supervisor: Dr. L. Mottron
ART Program Mentors: Dr. E. Fombonne,
Dr. W. Roberts,
Dr. S. Bryson
Title of research project: ERP study on hierarchical visual perception in persons
with autism |
Name: Jodi Yager (Graduated)
University: Simon Fraser
Discipline: PhD., Psychology
ART Track: 3 year program
Program Supervisor: Dr. G. Iarocci
ART Program Mentors: Dr. P. Szatmari,
Dr. S. Bryson,
Dr. J. Volden
Title of research project: Understanding social functioning in Autism Spectrum
Disorders: The development of a standardized measure.
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