Postdoctoral Fellowship in Autism Spectrum Disorders Treatment and Care Research

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Autism Spectrum Disorders Treatment and Care Research atYork University

Applicants are invited to apply for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship, funded by the CIHRChair in Autism Spectrum Disorders Treatment and Care Research, to be held in theDepartment of Psychology at York University, in Toronto (Ontario). The position offersclinical and research training in the area of mental health and autism spectrum disorders(ASD). This fellowship provides an opportunity to spend two years (subject to annualreview) (a) providing and evaluating psychotherapeutic interventions to address mentalhealth problems in people with ASD, (b) studying risk and protective factors related tomental health problems in people with ASD, and (c) engaging in knowledge mobilizationactivities with stakeholders.

Requirements include clinical expertise in the area of ASD, with particular interest inmental health research. This position will include original data collection, grant-writing,quantitative analysis of a large datasets, manuscript preparation and knowledgetranslation activities. Clinical experience in mental health interventions (and specificallyCBT or mindfulness-based therapies) is a definite asset. The fellowship is open tocandidates who hold a PhD in the medical, behavioural or social sciences.Supervision for licensure with the College of Psychologists of Ontario is possible foreligible applicants. Although the fellowship is primarily research based, there is anopportunity to obtain supervised practice providing psychological services to a broadrange of clients and presenting problems in the York University Psychology Clinic.This postdoctoral fellowship is set to begin in the fall of 2012 or later. Applicants shouldspecify their ideal start date.

Selection will be based upon the candidate's educational and professional background,research interests, and potential to contribute to mental health research. Only thosecandidates with a reasonable expectation of having completed their graduate work andearned their degrees by the start date will be eligible. To apply, please submit a CV,names and contact information for four referees, and a letter detailing 1)experience/interest in ASD-related research, 2) mental health intervention experience and3) a list of objectives for the fellowship period. Relevant publications should also beincluded. This information should be sent electronically to:

Jonathan Weiss, Ph.D., C.PsychChair in Autism Spectrum Disorders Treatment and Care ResearchDept. of PsychologyYork [email protected]

The Chair in Autism Spectrum Disorders Treatment and Care Research is funded bythe Canadian Institutes of Health Research in partnership with Autism SpeaksCanada, the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance, Health Canada,NeuroDevNet and the Sinneave Family Foundation. Additional funds provided by theSpectrum of Hope Autism Foundation and support by York University and ORION'sO3 Collaboration.

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